Saturday, June 20, 2009

Building Your faith - Part 8 - Atmosphere

Part 1 of this mini-series on building your faith was about reading your Bible as a way to build your faith. Part 2 was about praying as a faith builder. Part 3 was about resolve and commitment. Part 4 took a look at endurance, another quality that is not in vogue much these days. Part 5 was about consistence and built a little on the prior post. And Part 6 took on the tough subject of Patience. last time we looked at the issue of obedience and how it impacted our faith.

The final topic is about Building and Atmosphere of Faith.

How do I build my faith?

Several years ago, “You are what you eat,” became a very popular catch-phrase. Personally, I tend to attribute the success of this catchy slogan to the truth contained in it. After all, it does make sense. Similarly, we are a reflection of what we immerse ourselves in.

I dare you to take a personal inventory of your life today. Do the things you immerse yourself in (family, friends, career, music, literature and media outlets) reflect or create an atmosphere where God would be pleased and Jesus would be glorified? Or do they have an opposite effect? If the latter is true, I encourage you to make some changes as soon as possible.

Building your faith in God requires an earnest desire to know God better. No one is perfect but, I truly believe as you activate the principals shared in this series of brief topics, you will build your faith. You will begin learning to trust God more and more each day.

For scriptural references please review the list below.

  • Exodus 14:10-14
  • 1 Samuel 15:20-23
  • Psalms 16:1-11
  • Proverbs 3:5-8
  • Proverbs 16:32
  • Matthew 6:5-14
  • Matthew 9:27-30
  • Matthew 17:17-20
  • Mark 8:34-38
  • Mark 11:24
  • Romans 5:1-5
  • Corinthians 9:24-27
  • Galatians 5:22
  • Thessalonians 5:17
  • Hebrews 12:1-4
Read these passages. Let them speak to you and to your heart. Decide to incorporate them into your daily life and your daily habits. And just see how strong your faith muscles become.

Thanks for being a part of this mini-series on "How do I build my faith?"

Building Your faith - Part 7 - Obedience

Part 1 of this mini-series on building your faith was about reading your Bible as a way to build your faith. Part 2 was about praying as a faith builder. Part 3 was about resolve and commitment. Part 4 took a look at endurance, another quality that is not in vogue much these days. Part 5 was about consistence and built a little on the prior post. And Part 6 took on the tough subject of Patience.

This time, let's look at Obedience. Again, not an easy topic.

How do I build my faith?

Each day we live represents a new opportunity for us to be better than the day before. This is part of the "process" of Holiness. In order to seize the endless possibilities available for us in God, we must learn to obey the Word of God wholeheartedly. When we obey God we activate our faith and open a door for God's power to be manifested in our lives.

But let's be clear on one thing. Obedience is not a free pass to health, wealth and happiness. Obedience often has a cost. Consider the cost of obedience to God's own Son.

God wants to bless us. He wants to help us build our faith muscles. But the prerequisite is always obedience.

Like the old song says;

Trust and obey.
For there's no other way,
to be happy in Jesus.
But to trust and obey.

Photo licensed under Creative Commons License

Friday, June 12, 2009

Building Your Faith - Part 6 - Patience

Part 1 of this mini-series on building your faith was about reading your Bible as a way to build your faith. Part 2 was about praying as a faith builder. Part 3 was about resolve and commitment. Part 4 took a look at endurance, another quality that is not in vogue much these days. Part 5 was about consistence and built a little on the prior post. This time, let's consider Patience. It may not be a big issue for you. But it is for me.

So, let's hurry up and deal with it! I can't wait much longer!

How do I build my faith?

The importance of having patience is much overlooked in our world today. Everybody wants what they want-when they want it. This mentality has severe drawbacks though, because it often leads us to approach our relationship with God in the same manner. We are God's children. Unfortunately, we often act like little children and throw temper tantrums when we do not get our way, not realizing that God cannot be suckered into granting us all the items on our wish list. Remember God is a loving Father not a magician or cosmic Santa Claus.

Romans 5:1-5 Says,

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only [so], but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

Or as it says in James 1:3-4,
Knowing that the proving of your faith worketh patience. And let patience have [its] perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, lacking in nothing.

Hmmmm . . . I am not sure I like this tie in with tribulations and temptations. But that is what God's Word says.

So, Lord, give me patience. And give them to me quick!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Building Your Faith - Part 5 - Consistency

Part 1 of this mini-series on building your faith was about reading your Bible as a way to build your faith. Part 2 was about praying as a faith builder. Part 3 was about resolve and commitment. Part 4 took a look at endurance, another quality that is not in vogue much these days. Today I would like to consider Consistency.

How do I build my faith?

One of my favorite words is "flaky" (the state of being inconsistent or unstable) because I feel it so accurately describes the human condition. For many people, life is nothing more than a never ending roller coaster ride. Emotionally they are up one minute and down the next. Consistency, on the other hand, is the alternative to this haphazard (and many times undisciplined) ride.

Consistency means to exhibit regularity in your thoughts, actions and behaviors. For example, it is important to read your Bible, pray, trust God, and govern yourself according to the Word of God even when you do not feel like it. Let me break it down further. The ability to behave in a consistent manner is not predicated on your feelings. Honestly, how often do you feel like going to work, cleaning your home, or returning that dreaded phone call?

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Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Building Your Faith - Part 4 - Endurance

Part 1 of this mini-series on building your faith was about reading your Bible as a way to build your faith. Part 2 was about praying as a faith builder. Part 3 was about resolve and commitment. This time, let's look at another quality that is not in vogue much these days -- Endurance.

How do I build my faith?

The Bible tells us that the winners of life's race are not the people who are the quickest, the smartest or even the most successful but; the true winners are the men and women who keep going against all odds. Life is a journey filled with twist and turns. Unfortunately, most people are defeated before their ship even sets sail. Therefore, I urge you today to not give-up or give-in to life's setbacks. No matter what you are facing make it a point to stay in the race.

The Apostle Paul says something that sounds very familiar to my statement above. Paul uses a "running" analogy several times in his letters to the early church. In Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 1 he says the following.

"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,"

And these words to young Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:5.

"But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."

I didn't realize that endurance and hardship were so entwined. Then I thought about. I guess I really had never heard anyone discuss that they were having to endure pleasure! Sort of makes you think, doesn't it?

But if we endure. We will be rewarded. Maybe not materially. But we will be rewarded with ever increasing faith.

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