Sunday, February 12, 2006

Who is your favorite Christian author?

I have delved pretty deeply in my first month of blogging. So, I am already ready for a little bit of a break!

So, I pose the following question:

Who is your favorite Christian author?
C.S. Lewis? Oswald Chambers? Perhaps is it a lesser known author. Maybe it is an author from many years ago, or maybe it is someone relatively new like Max Lucado.

Post your comment with your favorite author and what appeals to you about their writings.

Don't worry. We will get back to some deeper stuff in a few days.



  1. Anonymous11:17 PM

    I don't think I can pick just one author. Some favorite books include "Life Together" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, "Prayer" by Richard Foster, and "The Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan. "Secrets of the Secret Place" by Bob Sorge is also a powerful devotional.

  2. Anything by John Piper or James MacDonald or John MacArthor, but if I had to choose just one Author, I would have to go with......God!

    In Christ,


  3. N.T. Wright, definately. N.T. gives us a great insight into the context of scripture that defines so much of what Jesus ministry and words really mean.

    I also love Rob Bell's new book "Velvet Elvis," anything by Brian Mclaren, Marcus Borg, Tony Campolo, Anne Lammott and Lauren Winner.

  4. Well, the apostles John and Paul, of course.

    Blaise Pascal's Pensees is one of the best books ever.

    G. K. Chesterton has written some absolutely priceless literature, including Orthodoxy.

    A. W. Tozer was also a dynamite writer.

  5. For Entertainment, I love C.S. Lewis. For theological purposes...I just ask my husband or visit blogs.

  6. Hey Kevin! Thanks for coming by the Bible study. I'll put you on our Fellow Seekers Links. As for the question...oh boy there are so many. My receint favorite is Robert Liparulo who just came out with the Christian Thriller, Comes a Horseman. Then there is my all time favorite, Stephan Lawhead for Christian Fantasy. I also adore Elisabeth Elliot for Missions and Christian Living. Of course C.S. Lewis is always a favorite for Christian Fiction as well as Non-Fiction. I could list more and more but this is your blog, not mine! :) God Bless!

  7. Hi Kevin, I have many, but if I had to choose it would be John Stott.

    Be encouraged!

  8. I was reading so many authors as a Bible student, and many of them really impressed me. In the spring of 2000 I read Walter Brueggemann's Old Testament Theology. I thought it was great. Later I read a little book of his called PEACE (formerly had a different title which I have forgotten.) I rank PEACE as one of my top 10 favorites.

    However, I discovered N.T. Wright my last year in school. At first I argued with him intensly. He made public policy and politics in general a relevant part of Christian faith. I had previously sought to make my faith entirely personal, private and experiencial. But Wright out argued me.

    Now I read him voraciously. I think he has overturned pretty much all that came before him. He has so radicalized my faith and my world view in ways I find no one else doing.

    However, in recent months I found a little book by a couple of his former students, Walsh and Keesmaat, called Colossians Remixed: Subverting the Empire. This book is now in my top 5. These authors build on the Wright foundation and construct a truly daring and radical application for discipleship that unlocks the power to change the world.

    So, in a nutshell, these are mine. Thanks for asking. I highly recommend them.


  9. Anonymous4:12 AM

    I suppose that my favorite Christian author is either C.S. Lewis, or believe it or not Henri Nouen. I haven't read any of his writings in their entirety but last year one of the textbooks we used for a class was "A guide to prayer" and I loved all the things Nouen had to say. Then of course there are poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and hymn writer Charles Wesley. But most importantly just as Charles' brother John put it "Oh, make me a man of one book!" I really love the Gospels, particularly Matthew and John. I like admire the depth of the inspiration that God gave the writers of the gospels and to Paul and John as they wrote their epistles. I know I was just supposed to put one but there are so many good ones!

  10. Hey, Kevin, thanks for stopping by the Bible study! Come back soon!

    It goes without saying that the Bible and all of its participants with God's help are my favorites, but in today's world...

    Robert Liparulo, Brandilyn Collins, Brenda Coulter, Ted Dekker, Alton Gansky (all are suspense/action adventure except Brenda)...I also could go on but I don't want to hog your space

  11. I like Stephen Charnock, John MacArthur, A.W. Tozer and Gordon MacDonald.

  12. Anonymous11:25 AM


    I really enjoy reading anything by Scott Hahn - a very bright theologian. His books are well written and very easy to read. I recently purchased several of his books and am working my way through them. Very cool stuff.


  13. Brother Kevin,

    I love Max Lucardo:-)Probably more 'new age' to me with his tone of ironic questions in his writing!

  14. Max Lucado is truly a gifted writer. His prayer that he wrote and delivered following the attacks here in the U.S. on Sept. 11th were incredible.

    In case you are not familiar with it, here it is:

    We’re still hoping we’ll wake up. We’re still hoping we’ll open a sleepy eye and think, “What a horrible dream.”

    But we won’t, will we, Father? What we saw was not a dream. Planes did gouge towers. Flames did consume our fortress. People did perish. It was no dream and, dear Father, we are sad.

    There is a ballet dancer who will no longer dance and a doctor who will no longer heal. A church has lost her priest, a classroom is minus a teacher. Cora ran a food pantry. Paige was a counselor and Dana, dearest Father, Dana was only three years old. (Who held her in those final moments?)

    We are sad, Father. For as the innocent are buried, our innocence is buried as well. We thought we were safe. Perhaps we should have known better. But we didn’t.

    And so we come to you. We don’t ask you for help; we beg you for it. We don’t request it; we implore it. We know what you can do. We’ve read the accounts. We’ve pondered the stories and now we plead, “Do it again, Lord. Do it again.”

    Remember Joseph? You rescued him from the pit. You can do the same for us. Do it again, Lord.

    Remember the Hebrews in Egypt? You protected their children from the angel of death. We have children too, Lord. Do it again.

    And Sarah? Remember her prayers? You heard them. Joshua? Remember his fears? You inspired him. The women at the tomb? You resurrected their hope. The doubts of Thomas? You took them away. Do it again, Lord. Do it again.

    You changed Daniel from a captive into a king’s counselor. You took Peter the fisherman and made him Peter an apostle. Because of you, David went from leading sheep to leading armies. Do it again, Lord, for we need counselors today, Lord. We need apostles. We need leaders. Do it again, dear Lord.

    Most of all, do again what you did at Calvary. What we saw here last Tuesday, you saw there that Friday. Innocence slaughtered. Goodness murdered. Mothers weeping. Evil dancing. Just as the smoke eclipsed our morning, so the darkness fell on your Son. Just as our towers were shattered, the very Tower of Eternity was pierced.

    And by dusk, heaven’s sweetest song was silent, buried behind a rock.

    But you did not waver, O Lord. You did not waver. After three days in a dark hole, you rolled the rock and rumbled the earth and turned the darkest Friday into the brightest Sunday. Do it again, Lord. Grant us a September Easter.

    We thank you, dear Father, for these hours of unity. Christians are praying with Jews. Republicans are standing with Democrats. Skin colors have been covered by the ash of burning buildings. We thank you for these hours of unity.

    And we thank you for these hours of prayer. The Enemy sought to bring us to our knees and succeeded. He had no idea, however, that we would kneel before you. And he has no idea what you can do.

    Let your mercy be upon our President, Vice President, and their families. Grant to those who lead us wisdom beyond their years and experience. Have mercy upon the souls who have departed and the wounded who remain. Give us grace that we might forgive and faith that we might believe.

    And look kindly upon your church. For two thousand years you’ve used her to heal a hurting world.

    Do it again, Lord. Do it again.

    Through Christ, Amen.

    by Max Lucado
