Saturday, June 30, 2007

I Saw Love Today

I saw love today in the eyes of a man who at 75 years of age and after 53 years of marriage still knelt down beside his wife's hospital bed to pray with her before the nurses wheeled her away to surgery. This is the love of a man for a woman who models daily what it is to have a Christian marriage and loves a woman who continues to be his partner through life.

I saw love today in the way that a son took time away from his busy pastoral schedule to come and be at the bedside of his mother and secretly slip away and build a new ramp for her so that she will be able to get in an out of the car in the comfort of the garage. This is the love of a man for the mother who brought him into this world and cared for his every need for 18 years and continues to care for him and love him as he approaches his 50th birthday.

I saw love today as the doctors and nurses kindly and gently cared for a woman who was in great pain and who was suffering physically in the aftermath of major surgery. This is the love of a caring professional who takes their life's calling and vocation seriously and who treats human beings with dignity at a very difficult and vulnerable point in their life.

I saw love today as countless friends and neighbors stopped by to check on a patient and dear friend. This is the love of someone who wants to give back some of the love that has been given so generously to them by the one who now lays in the hospital bed.

But I saw another love today. It was the love of a Heavenly Father who hovered above the hospital bed and watched over one of His precious children. It was the love of the Holy Spirit who was the Comforter as the anesthesia subsided and the pain became intense. And it was the love of Jesus Christ himself of whom it was written, “by His stripes we are healed.”

I was fortunate today to be a witness to that kind of love. I am fortunate to be loved in return by that mother laying in the hospital bed. I am even more blessed to be covered by that kind of love myself as a Child of God.

God, thank you for watching over Mom and helping her through surgery. Thank you God for your blessings and for the way that you show me each day the many ways that you are at work in my life.

Get well soon, Mom.

I love you.


  1. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Thanks for your kind words. We are blessed beyond measure. You guys are special.We love you a bunch.

  2. Kevin, ya are very blessed to have a that kind of Love !

    will bee lifting you and your family up in prayer!

  3. Anonymous1:30 PM


    Just wanted to thank you for this post up, it comes at a good time on a day that I am feeling worn out. Love can conquer many misgivings and failings in this world. I don't think we will ever learn enough about love.


  4. how is your mom doing?

  5. Janice,

    Mom is home and doing well! Thank you for asking, and thank you for praying for her.

